Monday, February 18, 2008

A Credit Card You Want to Toss[BusinessWeek]

Bank of America abruptly notified cardholders in good standing their rates would skyrocket if they didn't opt out fast. Is BofA greedy or needy?
They didn't even buy us dinner..."Boosting rates on existing credit-card holders is one of the quickest levers a bank can pull to try to boost earnings," says one analyst. "A Credit Card You Want to Toss" [BusinessWeek]
Why is Bank of America raising it's interest rates on it's good customers?

BusinessWeek has just published an article about Bank of America's recent surprise mailings in January to some of its customers, announcing "that it would more than double their rates to as high as 28%, without giving an explanation for the increase." These customers have good credit scores and hadn't made any late payments, and those who called Bank of America to ask why this was happening weren't given clear reasons. Industry experts say Bank of America has reached a "new level" of "lack of transparency in raising rates," beyond anything Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase currently practice, because BoA is apparently using some undisclosed internal metric to determine who gets the rate hike.

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